Prime Occupational Medicine delivers quality occupational health screening directly to the job site for the convenience of your workforce. Utilizing Prime’s fleet of mobile medical units, high quality health services are made available for turnarounds, annual exams as well as compliance testing. We provide flexible scheduling to accommodate your needs and deliver electronic results in a timely manner.
Services available include, but are not limited to:

Cost Effective:
Prime’s on-site services deliver a cost effective means of conducting employee screening and testing services to the job site. Conducting employee testing on-site greatly reduces employee downtime and increases productivity.
Convenient Scheduling:
Prime’s On-site team will work with your schedule to maximize the value and efficiency of your on-site services. Advanced scheduling and after-hours services are available.
Mobile Medical Fleet:
Prime’s fleet of mobile medical units can provide a convenient space properly equipped to carry out annual exams, drug screening, fit testing, audio testing, and more.
Online Access to Results:
All testing results are stored and delivered through Prime’s HIPAA secure, web-based EME portal for your convenience.