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How Prime Can Serve You

Prime Occupational Medicine has a slew of services that we offer our clients and their businesses to help their operations run smoother and, more importantly, safer. Services that include drug and alcohol screening along with on-site and offshore services. To view a full list of our occupational medical services and how they can help you, keep reading. 

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PRIME Blog Post Patient Plus Collaboration

A Community Partnership: PRIME and Patient Plus Urgent Care

PRIME Occupational Medicine has partnered with Patient Plus Urgent Care to bring professional care to the Mid City and the North Baton Rouge communities. The addition of PRIME Occupational Medicine to Patient Plus’ current services will bring advanced and comprehensive health services to the community.

Since 2016, Patient Plus Urgent Care has aimed to improve the health of the Baton Rouge community and surrounding areas by delivering healthcare characterized by respect, attentiveness and commitment. The clinics provide complete onsite diagnostic services, including X-rays, COVID tests, flu tests, strep tests, EKGs, physical exams, vaccinations and more. 

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COVID-19 Rapid Testing Now Available

COVID-19 Rapid Testing Now Available

In further support of workforce health and safety management, PRIME is now offering COVID-19 rapid tests which deliver patient results in approximately 15 minutes. This point-of-care COVID-19 test option is fast, reliable, affordable, and is ideal for employment, workplace or travel-based screenings. The test can be performed at any of PRIME’s full-service clinic locations or via PRIME’s mobile on-site services. More information on this test can be found here.

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What Happens When The Flu Meets Covid-19?

What Happens When The Flu Meets COVID-19?

COVID-19 is a new virus to affect the human population, which means that we had no available treatments or immunity to the pathogen when it emerged in late 2019. Because of this, the virus was able to spread, unrestrained from host to host, and it did not take long for the outbreak to become a global pandemic. As we enter flu season, what are the possible outcomes when influenza coincides with COVID-19?

Learn more in the full document below.

PRIME & OMC Merge Into New Lafayette Entity

PRIME & OMC Merge Into New Lafayette Entity

PRIME Occupational Medicine acquired Occupational Medicine Clinics of South Louisiana (OMC) and will merge with the clinic as one entity. OMC has operated in South Louisiana for years and provides a wide spectrum of occupational health services for the industrial community. By joining PRIME, OMC will continue its legacy of high-quality service and care with a whole new range of capabilities. 

The OMC acquisition was a strategic move to place PRIME in a more advantageous position to serve Lafayette and surrounding areas. With this merger, PRIME will relocate it’s existing Lafayette clinic to 106 Heritage Parkway in Broussard. 

“This new location will offer a larger clinic space with increased staff and in-house x-ray capabilities. These enhanced benefits will provide our new and existing clients with a more convenient experience and efficient services,” said Sean Connor, VP of Business Development. 

 If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to our Regional Sales Managers, Christian Brugman (337.412.0423 or [email protected]) and Coleton Blanco (225.620.2522 or [email protected])

PRIME Occupational Medicine Louisiana Life Share Blood Donation Center

PRIME Partners with CCJV to Deliver N95 Masks to Communities

In recent weeks, PRIME Occupational Medicine has partnered with Chiyoda International and McDermott to donate thousands of N95 masks to various communities and workforces across Louisiana. 

As COVID-19 spread throughout the state, countless public service organizations faced a shortage of the equipment needed to safely perform their duties. When Chiyoda and McDermott, both part of the CCJV joint venture project team, discovered they had pallets of unused N95 masks at a jobsite, they knew this would be a great opportunity to give back in a time of need. 

“On behalf of the CCJV joint venture project team of McDermott and Chiyoda, it is our honor to support the local medical community with this donation of N95 masks,” says Andy Dadosky, Vice President and Project Director for CCJV. “Our healthcare professionals are on the frontlines caring for our community during this unprecedented health crisis. This is one small way we can help.”

With PRIME Occupational Medicine as the duo’s medical provider, they tasked the company with finding groups across the state that could greatly benefit from the N95s. PRIME immediately reached out and delivered to hospitals, law enforcement departments, prisons, blood donation centers and a variety of other businesses across southern Louisiana and eastern Texas. 

The Louisiana Sheriffs’ Association, Louisiana State Police, Woman’s Hospital, CHRISTUS Health, Ochsner, Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center, Baton Rouge General, Louisiana National Guard and several other government agencies were among the many state entities that received donations. PRIME Occupational Medicine was happy to match the N95 mask donation by contributing various other personal protective equipment items.

“Our goal is to ensure that people are protected and can continue to work in this atmosphere. Our mission is to protect the health and safety of all workforces, and we are happy to assist McDermott and Chiyoda in this trying time,” says Dr. Luke Lee, Corporate Medical Director of Prime Occupational Medicine.

PRIME Corporate Medical Solutions, 25th Anniversary

PRIME Corporate Medical Solutions

At PRIME Occupational Medicine, we work hard to provide your company with the corporate medical solutions it needs to remain safe and operate smoothly. Through our 24-hour physician standby services, case management special reports and regulatory compliance assistance and many other services, we deliver the support you need.

Dr. Lee

A Letter From Dr. Lee

The past several weeks have been difficult for us all. The news is dominated by the novel coronavirus and the disease it causes, COVID-19, and is rapidly changing, which has affected us all in one way or another. In times like these, it is critical to keep a balanced perspective and consider all facts. Adversity is not new to people. History tells us the human response always rises to the challenges faced, and we are confident that this time will be no different.
While nobody knows exactly what the coming days, weeks or months will bring, we can prepare for various scenarios. During uncertain times we often see an uptick in bad actors trying to exploit an individual’s anxiety, or even generosity. Whenever you make any judgment, it’s important to consider the source of the data that you receive. We wanted to personally reach out and let you know that Prime’s physician leadership team has taken this extremely seriously and is meeting everyday to improve our responses in a timely manner.
We are closely monitoring the guidance of the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention regarding the spread of the virus. Our focus is to ensure we meet our customers, the employer-clients as well as their employees, needs while doing our part to keep you, Prime staff, and our communities safe.
Many of you are managers of your enterprise. Your family and your employee’s health, welfare and safety are of paramount importance to you. We have developed detailed guidelines related to how we would recommend that you and your family protect yourself. Since the situation is rapidly changing, please send an email to [email protected] for a current copy of the “Employee Guide.”
From a business resiliency perspective, we advise you to have comprehensive plans in place to ensure that your employees remain safe. Prime is doing our utmost to achieve the same goals while remaining ready and able to serve you with the best of professional services, without disruption. As you may already know, OSHA has stated that it is the employer’s responsibility to protect their employees from contracting COVID-19 from the workplace by classifying COVID-19 as a “recordable” disease. We have also developed an “Employer Guide” to COVID-19. Again, you can send an email to [email protected] to receive a current copy of the guide.
If you happen to visit a Prime facility, you may notice some changes are evident. Our facilities that are located in areas of widespread community spread are already screening all persons entering the facility, including Prime employees. The remainder of our facilities will implement the same process as the situation dictates. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause but we feel it is the appropriate step to take in protecting not only our employees but yours as well.
Additionally, we encourage you to visit our website at PRIMEOCCMED.COM for current responses to protect you and our staff.
Above all, we want you to know that you can continue to rely on the global resources and stability of Prime and our international partner, International SOS. We stand with you, ready to help, offer advice and share our best thinking on how to manage through this period.
Thank you for your continued trust and confidence in us.
Luke Lee, MD, MPH, CIME
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